CTG Masterclass - AH Hogeschool en Neovanta, online


Deze opleiding gaat online door op 18 en 19 februari 2021


The main aim of intrapartum fetal monitoring is to avoid fetal hypoxic injury whilst minimising unnecessary operative interventions and ensuring a positive birth experience to the woman and her family.

Although Cardiotocograph (CTG) has been used over the last 40 years, it is riddled with inter and intra-observer variability and has a high false positive rate.

One of the drawbacks of conventional, traditional CTG Teaching and Training as well as National Guidelines is over-reliance on ‘Pattern Recognition’.

CTG Masterclass is aimed at understanding fetal physiology and to understand the pathophysiology behind the patterns that are observed on the CTG Trace and to determine fetal response to hypoxic and mechanical stresses that occur during labour.

Overall aim is to differentiate between fetal compensation and decompensation so as to ensure timely and appropriate action.

It is sincerely hoped that by the end of the CTG Masterclass, delegates would be able to recognise features of fetal response to stress on the CTG Trace and also to predict the next change on the CTG Trace!

The classes are conducted by International Experts in Physiological CTG Masterclasses



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€190, two days

student discount 10%





Informatie en inschrijven

Meer informatie en inschrijvingen: https://www.neoventa.com/education/ctgmasterclass/ctg-masterclass-basic-18-19-feb-2021/ of info@neoventa.com