European Congress on Fertility awareness-based Methods - Sensiplan, Leuven


In 2008, NFP-Vlaanderen organized a successful European Congress on Fertility Awareness Methods (FAM) in Antwerp, with the collaboration of several Flemish Universities.
Meanwhile, the world is not standing still and times have changed. In Europe, public opinion is becoming more aware of the sympto-thermal method Sensiplan. Women and couples have a growing interest in taking natural fertility back into their own hands. Besides strict medical aspects, there is a perceived psychosocial need for more specific information about fertility and its management. New perspectives concerning their fertile years can help couples strive for a more holistic approach to the autonomous decision-making process of family planning.

The European Congress on Fertility Awareness-based Methods, organized by NFP-Vlaanderen and the German ‘Sektion Natürliche Fertilität’ of the ‘Deutsche Gesellschaft für Gynäkologische Endokrinologie und Fortpflanzungsmedizin e.V.’ in collaboration with the departments of Gynaecology of Flemish universities presents the results of new scientific studies on several topics about FAM. The congress offers also a forum for discussing and integrating new medical and psycho-social scientific insights in fertility knowledge and experience.

University experts from Europe and the US will participate in the debates. Special attention is paid to a forum for young scientists. And so, this congress is an opportunity for young doctors, academics, scientists, and FAM teachers to network and secure the future in a unique international context.



(onder voorbehoud)

8.30 Welcome

9.00 Official opening

9.30 Scientific basis of Fertility Awareness-based Methods (FAM)

9.45 Treatment of infertility and FAM

10.00 Socio-psychologic aspects of FAM

10.15 Testimonies

10.30 Coffee break

11.00 Session 1: Effectiveness of FAM
Session 4: FAM and health care professionals

12.30 Lunch

14.00 Session 2: Irregular cycles and FAM postpartum
Session 5: Fertility Education for Youth

15.30 Coffee break

16.00 Session 3: Meeting Young Scientists
Session 6: Cycle apps and New Technologies

17.00 Round Table

17.55 Final conclusion

18.00 End of the day


before / after June 1st 2024*
vóór / na 1 juni 2024*

Medical doctors/Artsen € 150  / € 200
Midwives/Vroedvrouwen € 90  / € 120
Educators/Vormingswerkers € 90  / € 120
NFP teachers/NFP-consulenten € 80  / € 100
Students/Studenten € 50  / € 70
Accepted abstracts free


Irish College Leuven, Janseniusstraat 1, Leuven

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