Jaarlijks BVL congres - Belgische Vereniging van Lactatiekundigen, hybride (Gent)




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Onthaal Rode Bol Events 08u30


09.00 – 09.40

Exploring Responsive Feeding, Breastfeeding, Room Sharing, and Sleep: Anecdote vs. Evidence-Based?

Ian M. Paul, MD, MSc
Professor of Pediatrics and Public Health Sciences

Chief, Division of Academic General Pediatrics

Vice Chair of Faculty Affairs, Department of Pediatrics

Penn State College of Medicine


09.40- 10.20

Ambivalent veilige en onveilige hechting

Dr.Tim Walrave

Psychiater en A-opleider Psychiatrie, Mediant GGZ en UMC Groningen



10.45- 12.45

Het geschenk van een kansrijke start.

Dr. Binu Singh

Kinderpsychiater en psychotherapeut gespecialiseerd in infant mental health en voorzitter WAIMH-Vlaanderen, UPC KU Leuven


 Lunch break



The Newborn Weight Tool

The Newborn Weight Tool (NeWT), developed by Dr. Ian Paul, allows providers to compare a newborn’s weight loss against data from more than 160,000 infants.The use of NeWT has been included in the Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine Clinical Protocol #3: Supplementary Feedings in the Healthy Term Breastfed Neonate. In this protocol, clinicians are encouraged to utilize NeWT to determine the weight loss range for a newborn when considering the need for supplementary feedings.

Ian M. Paul, MD, MSc
Professor of Pediatrics and Public Health Sciences



Early Bird registratie tot en met 15 september 2022

 BVL leden: 60,00 euro  

VBOV Leden  : 95,00 euro

Anderen:115,00 euro


na 15 september 2022:

Leden  BVL: 75,00 euro

VBOV Leden  : 110,00 euro

Niet leden: 130,00 euro



Deelnemen ter plaatse of online (één email/login).

De lezingen zijn na de studiedag nog online te (her)bekijken.

RodeBol Events

Sint-Denijslaan 485, 9000 Gent


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