Workshop: Moving pregnancy pharmacovigilance into the 21st century - ConcePTION, online


On 25 January 2022, the IMI ConcePTION project is organising an online workshop on improving how we collect information to understand the risks and benefits of medicine use in pregnancy and breastfeeding. We invite women, their partners, health care professionals, researchers and representatives from companies that develop medicines and authorities that approve them to join us. Your input will help us fill some of the knowledge gaps on the safety of medicines in pregnancy and breastfeeding, and help us to understand where there are barriers and problems with the existing systems!

  • Findings from the ConcePTION project which illustrate why the systems for collecting information on medicines use in pregnancy and breastfeeding need to be improved
  • The ConcePTION project approach
  • Our proposal for a pregnancy and breastfeeding pharmacovigilance system for the future!








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